there are 921 users across 396 channels.
if the channel is set with chanmode +s it will be omitted from this list.
the table is sortable by clicking on the column headers
Name | Users | Topic |
# | 2 | no topic set |
##ajhalili2006 | 1 | no topic set |
##alfp | 2 | no topic set |
##apocalypse | 1 | no topic set |
##england | 1 | no topic set |
##fix_your_connection | 1 | no topic set |
##g1n | 4 | no topic set |
##g1nbots | 1 | no topic set |
##hedy | 5 | no topic set |
##jan6 | 5 | jan6 can be found on libera at ##jan6 |
##lovetocode999 | 2 | no topic set |
##matrix-users-not-welcome | 1 | no topic set |
##one | 2 | no topic set |
##r1k | 4 | no topic set |
##torresjrjr | 1 | no topic set |
##uk | 1 | no topic set |
#. | 2 | no topic set |
#./ | 1 | no topic set |
#.tilde | 8 | .tilde | Server List: !servers | Whois: !whois name.tilde | Discussion and support for the .tilde TLD - Register your .tilde domain on our website! |
#0day | 1 | no topic set |
#10vorne | 2 | Space News | en/de | NASA + ESA newsfeeds | Musk is offtopic |
#4:20 | 1 | no topic set |
#admin | 1 | no topic set |
#adventofcode | 16 | no topic set |
#allhandsactive | 37 | Welcome to All Hands Active - Ann Arbor's Hackerspace! - - Questions? Poke any mod/admin, or email for any general questions, for server-related issues. - bridged to matrix, discord, and maybe others?? |
#anarchism | 3 | no topic set |
#anarchisme | 3 | no topic set |
#anime | 12 | You nico nico need to watch more anime, it's kawaii sugoi moe desu desu! |
#anonradio | 6 | no topic set |
#archlinux | 1 | no topic set | | 48 | irc software | public ssh services |
#asciiartspam | 1 | no topic set |
#asia | 6 | Discussion about Asia, Asian countries, its people, and its culture; long replies/cross-timezone conversations are allowed. |
#aussie | 13 | tilde is closed; please look toward other tildes |
#balun | 2 | balun has been rewritten with ircrobots! he should be faster and stuff now |
#bandung | 3 | no topic set |
#baudvision | 5 | no topic set |
#bbj | 1 | no topic set |
#BBS | 18 | Been to any BBSes lately? |
#best | 1 | no topic set |
#bestvote | 1 | no topic set |
#biking | 2 | bikes are fun lol |
#binary-counting | 1 | no topic set |
#binary-counting-meta | 1 | no topic set |
#blogging | 2 | no topic set |
#board | 1 | The Tildeboard |
#bogor | 2 | no topic set |
#books | 19 | no topic set |
#bot | 1 | no topic set |
#bots | 45 | put your bots here thanks |
#bread | 16 | no topic set |
#bsd | 2 | no topic set |
#bungame | 6 | The bun game - the longer you wait for the bun the more points you get! | -peek to see how long the bun has been waiting, -befriend/-bef/-hug to get the bun, -stats to see your stats and -top10 to see the top 10 |
#c | 9 | no topic set |
#c++ | 1 | no topic set |
#cafe | 21 | is coming to an end :( check your emails for more info. Copy your files by 10th of Feb. Thanks for the fun <3 | want to keep in chat with jan6? |
#casino | 3 | Gamble away your fake coins against the bots |
#center | 1 | no topic set |
#cgitsh | 1 | no topic set |
#chaos | 14 | #chaos, "jail virus" |
#chat | 2 | no topic set |
#ChatLand | 1 | no topic set |
#chess | 4 | no topic set |
#club | 94 | This channel has moved to #club on Newnet. connect to or Check for a list of servers. |
#cminecraft | 1 | no topic set |
#coffee | 25 | ・゜゜・。。・゜゜c[_] IT'S COFFEE TIME! |
#coinOps | 1 | no topic set |
#comfy | 46 | Official unofficial B4UDW3RK5 HQ ‹‹‹ Comfiest chat in the Tildeverse ››› RULEZ: 1. Comfy chat only, no bad vibes! |
#computers | 1 | General Computer Discussion |
#computertech | 14 | Welcome to #computertech || ♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪ |
#computo | 1 | "Desafío retrocómputo 2025" |
#conclave | 1 | no topic set |
#cosmic | 43 | Join humanity's stellar diaspora on the Cosmic Voyage - |
#counting | 8 | no topic set |
#counting-meta | 8 | Talk about counting | Home of minerbot2, arbiter of #counting | Use `!milestone list` to list the milestones | `!milestone now` will tell you the correct next number | if the bot is stuck on a milestone that's already been achieved, add a new milestone and that'll fix it |
#covid | 1 | no topic set |
#covid19 | 18 | covid-19 and monkeypox discussion | |
#cozy | 1 | no topic set |
#crawl | 6 | Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup :: :: SSH only for now |
#ctc | 1 | no topic set |
#ctrl-c | 74 | no topic set |
#currencybot | 1 | no topic set |
#cute | 4 | A place of cute links | Don't harsh the cute~ |
#cyberfriends | 4 | ¸.·¤¨°^°¨~¤·.¸¤*C¤Y*B¤E*R¤F*R¤I*E¤N*D¤S*¤¸.·¤¨°^°¨~¤·.¸ | Welcome ..enjoy your stay with a nice chat.. (^_^;; |
#dadjokes | 16 | no topic set |
#dakota | 1 | no topic set |
#darwin | 1 | no topic set |
#deadlock | 1 | no topic set |
#deutsch | 5 | no topic set |
#dimension | 7 | no topic set |
#dota | 1 | no topic set |
#dota2 | 1 | no topic set |
#downgrade | 3 | no topic set |
#Dr-WaSaBi | 1 | no topic set |
#duckhunt | 1 | no topic set |
#dumbassgang | 1 | no topic set |
#earthward | 1 | no topic set |
#eggdrop | 5 | no topic set |
#electronics | 15 | Chat about electronics and electrical works; no matter that you are being wannabe, hobbyist, or professional. [Long replies/cross-timezone conversations are allowed] |
#elpher | 1 | no topic set |
#emacs | 17 | no topic set | | 4 | not so anonymous ex members meetings. take a seat, grab a cookie. |
#emotional_support | 2 | For when you need emotional support | If you don't need emotional support but just need to vent, go to #vent and collect $200 |
#end | 1 | no topic set |
#envs | 43 | no topic set |
#envs_lounge | 3 | no topic set |
#envs_news | 1 | no topic set |
#espanol | 7 | no topic set |
#Europe | 4 | 77,38 welcome ! |
#factorio | 2 | no topic set |
#federation | 5 | no topic set |
#Fidonet | 1 | no topic set |
#finger | 19 | this thing. port 79. uh... I dunno. join the finger ring? finger for more info. who else wants op? |
#flamewars | 2 | no topic set |
#food | 3 | no topic set |
#forero | 1 | no topic set |
#fp | 4 | no topic set |
#fr | 17 | no topic set |
#freebsd | 2 | no topic set |
#fringe | 1 | no topic set |
#funderscore-sucks | 7 | topic got cleared because of a netsplit :( |
#furry | 7 | #furry - welcome to the fun-fur dome |
#gardening | 1 | no topic set |
#gemini | 186 | Discussion of the gemini protocol | gemini:// | gemini:// | gemini:// | This channel is publicly logged in gemspace |
#gemini-fr | 2 | no topic set |
#gemini-ru | 5 | no topic set |
#geocities | 2 | no topic set |
#gnu | 2 | Freeing people from the tyranny of proprietary technologies since 1983; hike along with us on path of the Free. <> Use a correct term "Free" or "libre"; keep in mind that "open" neither imply freedom nor users' rights. |
#gnulinuxindia | 1 | no topic set |
#golang | 7 | no topic set |
#gopher | 66 | no topic set |
#grizzly | 1 | no topic set |
#gru | 4 | no topic set |
#guitar | 3 | no topic set |
#guns | 2 | no topic set |
#guru | 14 | - a public-access freebsd system |
#h | 2 | h |
#hack_the_planet | 1 | no topic set |
#hamradio | 43 | no topic set |
#hardware-hacking | 1 | The channel for hardware hackers, embedded devs, and microcontroller enthusiasts to argue about which is better: PIC or AVR |
#hashbang | 1 | no topic set |
#haskell | 3 | no topic set |
#helpdesk | 99 | tildeverse related questions :: ask your question & stay connected, we will see it eventually! - tildeverse Help Desk - To speak in #meta, register your nick first: /msg nickserv register <password> <email> | irc intro: | etiquette: |
#helpdeskplus | 4 | more than a help desk, you can ask for advice, opinions and suggestions here too |
#hextilde | 9 | - A project by g1n, no longer exists. Old topic was set 28th of november 2023, 16:53:13 |
#hmm | 6 | no topic set |
#horse | 7 | ~horse // a public-access Alpine Linux system for horses |
#hypno | 2 | Firehose of images pulled from |
#hypnograms | 1 | no topic set |
#i-just-peed | 1 | no topic set |
#idlerpg | 4 | no topic set |
#if | 1 | no topic set |
#ilos | 4 | Incremental Live Operating System |
#india | 1 | Tilde users of India |
#institue | 1 | no topic set |
#institute | 92 | :: public-access OpenBSD system |
#irc | 4 | discuss the irc protocol | i will find you if you dont have good ircv3 support 🗡 | matrix bad |
#irctokens | 1 | no topic set |
#ireland | 4 | no topic set |
#iris | 4 | no topic set |
#ja | 1 | no topic set |
#jack3test | 2 | no topic set |
#jakarta | 3 | no topic set |
#jan6 | 1 | no topic set |
#javascript | 4 | javascript - it's what's for dinner |
#jjs | 2 | jjs's channel. Do drop in. |
#jmjl | 2 | Personal chat. Site: | Bridged |
#joinjabber | 2 | no topic set |
#journal | 1 | no topic set |
#juilan | 1 | no topic set |
#julian | 2 | New channel: #jmjl |
#khuxkm | 1 | no topic set |
#killparty | 1 | no topic set |
#kumquat | 3 | no topic set |
#latex | 5 | no topic set |
#lecturify | 1 | no topic set |
#lgbt | 29 | there aint no party like a LGBTQ+ party | good allies are welcome |
#license | 1 | no topic set |
#linux | 65 | no topic set |
#lisp | 2 | no topic set |
#litterbox | 1 | no topic set |
#lost | 1 | no topic set |
#lostworlds | 1 | no topic set |
#lounge-ops | 4 | Op(s)/Mod(s) of #lounge |
#lowendbox | 2 | no topic set |
#lowendtalk | 2 | no topic set |
#magyar | 1 | no topic set |
#main | 2 | no topic set |
#markets | 2 | no topic set |
#math | 16 | no topic set |
#meat | 1 | no topic set |
#meldungen | 3 | no topic set |
#meta | 461 | general chat ~ etiquette: ~ ,ops to ping ops ~ #helpdesk for questions ~ see for channels ~ no drugs, politics, covid, rms talk, or cryptocurrency |
#meta2 | 7 | Like #meta, but cooler |
#metaverse | 1 | no topic set |
#meth | 7 | meth? meth! | methany and her clique (les drogues) |
#microsoft | 1 | no topic set |
#minecraft | 19 | ""server: - ask vantablack, sose or troido to be added to the whitelist | discord: | dynmap: | imageboard: | hardcore: | see #minetest for Minetest" |
#minetest | 6 | no topic set |
#misfin | 2 | no topic set |
#movies | 1 | no topic set |
#mud | 2 | no topic set |
#mush | 1 | no topic set |
#music | 8 | muzak |
#NCCL | 3 | 08,01=-[01,01 09,01N03,01EW 09,01C03,01YBERIA 09,01C03,01OIN 09,01L03,01AUNDRY 08,01]-= |
#nethack | 1 | no topic set |
#netnews | 31 | | |
#nex | 4 | no topic set |
#NickServ | 1 | no topic set |
#ninja | 2 | no topic set |
#nl | 2 | no topic set |
#notkumquat | 2 | no topic set |
#offthegrid | 30 | Economics are crashing, digitocalypse is looming over, big brothers are coming after you, how could you survive? Discuss things from privacy, technology decentralization, detaching from the system, to low-tech and no-tech solutions for life's need. [Long replies/cross-timezone conversations are allowed] |
#one | 4 | no topic set |
#openanarchism | 1 | no topic set |
#openbsd | 19 | Free, Functional & Secure | Current release is 7.6 (April October 8th, 2024) | What's new? | FAQ: | Search ports database: & |
#openttd | 1 | no topic set |
#osu | 2 | no topic set |
#overflow | 3 | Overflow chan 8~ |
#palaver | 1 | no topic set |
#parliament | 4 | hoot... hoot hoot |
#peace | 1 | no topic set |
#photography | 3 | Talk about the art and science in optically capturing a real world moment in a picture; no matter of analog or digital technology; no matter you're wannabe, amateur, or professional. [Long replies/cross-timezone conversations are allowed] |
#php | 2 | no topic set |
#pi | 1 | no topic set |
#piepi | 1 | no topic set |
#pinebox | 2 | no topic set |
#pink | 33 | Ok, reboots are all done. Gopher is back up bencollver. 10.1 is noooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! -0-0 |
#piracy | 2 | no topic set |
#pitilde | 1 | no topic set |
#plan9 | 8 | no topic set |
#plerp | 1 | no topic set |
#politics | 51 | politics discussion | no trolling | no fascists | fuck 12 (the original ACAB) 🥤🥫🥚 | beware misinformation | 🌻Слава Україні! Героям слава!🌻 | updated etiquette: |
#prepping | 7 | advice/discussion on preparing for uncertain times | wiki: | /query anelki for access | fuck fascism |
#programming | 7 | no topic set |
#projects | 31 | no topic set |
#projectsegfault | 1 | no topic set | | 2 | no topic set |
#prplecake | 1 | no topic set |
#pt-br | 1 | no topic set |
#pubnix | 2 | no topic set | | 1 | no topic set |
#pw | 2 | no topic set |
#python | 19 | no topic set |
#radiofreqs | 10 | no topic set |
#random-lla | 3 | no topic set |
#raspberry-pi | 2 | no topic set | | 1 | no topic set | | 1 | no topic set |
#red | 1 | no topic set |
#religion | 1 | no topic set |
#remote | 1 | no topic set |
#robtestbot | 1 | no topic set |
#rocky | 1 | no topic set |
#Romania | 14 | 14Welcome here. 12 |
#rpg | 4 | no topic set |
#rss | 1 | no topic set |
#ruby | 2 | no topic set |
#rust | 2 | no topic set | | 21 | no topic set |
#sdf | 15 | no topic set |
#sectordisk | 1 | no topic set |
#security | 49 | All about security, privacy, and the modern web |
#selfhosting | 137 | no topic set |
#sh | 1 | no topic set |
#shadowlamb | 1 | no topic set |
#share | 7 | no topic set |
#shitposting | 6 | #shitposting - post your GlOrIoUs shit here | like #chaos but s/chaos/shitposting | 💩 |
#sillybun | 1 | no topic set |
#simsimi | 1 | no topic set |
#singapore | 2 | no topic set |
#slackers | 1 | no topic set |
#slbr | 3 | no topic set |
#smolnet | 22 | no topic set |
#smolweb | 1 | no topic set |
#snowcodeblog | 1 | no topic set |
#solarpunk | 12 | no topic set |
#solid | 1 | no topic set |
#space | 1 | no topic set |
#sparan | 1 | no topic set |
#spartan | 13 | no topic set |
#studio | 7 | - |
#summit | 1 | no topic set |
#supertest | 1 | no topic set |
#surabaya | 3 | no topic set |
#sus | 7 | no topic set |
#tea | 13 | tea! for the tildeverse! |
#team | 251 | stuff: ~ ~ read/follow the & ~ no politics, rms talk, covid, or cryptocurrency ~ PSA disk quotas will now be enforced 1gb soft / 3gb hard |
#teambun | 1 | no topic set |
#technet | 1 | no topic set |
#teenprogrammers | 1 | no topic set |
#terris | 1 | no topic set |
#test | 1 | Test channel |
#test-room-by-mertoalex | 2 | no topic set |
#texto-plano | 14 | "Canal oficial de Si no hay actividad:" |
#theasylum | 4 | Sorry I had to shutdown theasylum |
#theasylum-admins | 1 | no topic set |
#thunix | 33 | This channel has moved to #thunix on Newnet. connect to or Check for a list of servers. |
#Ti-LD | 1 | no topic set |
#tictactoe | 1 | no topic set | | 1 | no topic set | | 35 | 3Welcome to /~/ Website: /~/ PasteBin: /~/ Nextcloud: /~/ ZNC: /~/ Git: /~/ Protected users (&) are Staff, Voiced users are Users | | 1 | no topic set | | 4 | no topic set | | 16 | chatter for our mastodon instance. handy links here: |
#tildeboard | 1 | The Tildeboard |
#tildebot | 1 | no topic set |
#tildecoin | 1 | no topic set |
#tildegame-dbstuff | 2 | no topic set |
#tildemusic | 1 | no topic set |
#tildenet | 7 | no topic set |
#tilderadio | 102 | Tilderadio - A hacker's excuse for radio! | Tune in now: | type ,commands tilderadio to see bot commands | etiquette: Updated 2021-10-06 | join #tilderadio-djs if you're interested in becoming a dj | streaming server is now at |
#tilderadio-djs | 23 | TildeRadio DJ scheduling coordination and support: |
#tildetel | 30 | This channel has moved to #tildetel on Newnet. connect to or Check for a list of servers. |
#tildetown | 5 | tilde town routine firedrill muster point |
#tildevarsh | 1 | no topic set |
#tildeverse | 54 | no topic set |
#tokipona | 1 | no topic set |
#town | 25 | no topic set |
#tradegame | 1 | no topic set |
#trance | 3 | a place to share trance and similar genres, broadly defined |
#trans | 6 | no topic set |
#trashtown | 1 | no topic set |
#trivia | 5 | no topic set |
#truckposting | 4 | WE TALK ABOUT TRUCKS HOSS |
#tuaran | 1 | no topic set |
#tubes | 1 | no topic set |
#tv | 1 | no topic set |
#tw2002 | 1 | no topic set |
#twtxt | 9 | no topic set |
#tx | 1 | no topic set |
#typescript | 1 | no topic set |
#typesetting | 2 | no topic set |
#ukraine | 1 | no topic set |
#uncomfy | 1 | no topic set |
#unix | 2 | no topic set |
#util | 2 | Discussion/Testing channel for util. |
#uucp | 18 | no topic set |
#valve | 1 | no topic set |
#vegan | 11 | animal liberation for everyone: recipes, information, activism, praxis |
#veloren | 1 | no topic set |
#vent | 3 | For when you're going through shit | if you need emotional support you can get it in #emotional_support |
#vern | 20 | Discussion of all things ~vern. Off-topic goes in #vern-chat. Other chans found at |
#vern-abuse | 3 | Report abuse of ~vern services |
#vern-announcements | 7 | Announcements related to ~vern |
#vern-chaos | 5 | stuff that doesnt belong in #vern-chat. idk how to make everyone here have perms to change stuff so thats only on matrix |
#vern-chat | 13 | talk about stuff | bridged to (matrix), (XMPP) | go to for more channels |
#vern-controversial | 1 | no topic set |
#vern-fridge | 4 | Welcome to the fridge, it contains memorable moments of ~vern chat here, also known as refrigerated screenshots |
#vern-games | 3 | Chat about the ~vern game servers |
#vern-radio | 4 | Welcome to ~vern radio |
#vern-uptime | 4 | Status of ~vern services |
#vim | 25 | no topic set |
#wallpapers | 1 | no topic set |
#waroeng | 2 | no topic set |
#web | 1 | no topic set |
#wiki | 4 | our tildeverse wiki |
#wilde | 3 | no topic set |
#windows | 1 | talk about Windows |
#woodworking | 1 | no topic set |
#worldpolitics | 4 | another politics channel to complete the state space of political discussion |
#writing | 1 | no topic set |
#xfnw | 4 | flits is certified cute™ |
#xinu | 3 | no topic set |
#xkcd | 1 | no topic set |
#xmpp | 14 | Talking about XMPP stuff in IRC world! · · clients: · official channels: · also checkout,, · join from XMPP: |
#yc-bots | 1 | no topic set |
#yc-ext | 1 | no topic set |
#yc-general | 1 | no topic set |
#YourTilde | 5 | no topic set |
#z | 1 | no topic set |
#zine | 4 | no topic set |
#znc | 1 | no topic set |
#~ | 1 | no topic set |
#❄ | 1 | no topic set |
#日本語 | 1 | no topic set |
also available as json.